Lambert, Theo. “Greenaid Places Seedbombs in Vintage Gumball Machines.” Good. 2 Sept. 2010. Web. 2 Sept. 2010.
This site article was something i found really neat. It relates to my interest in green engineering. The article was about this guy who invented these balls he calls “greenaids”. They are a compacted ball of flower seeds that people can throw into a vacant lot and then flowers will grow there. What i thought was really interesting though, was that he is selling them in gumball machines so they are more convenient to the public. Rather than having to carry the tools and seeds in order to plant the flowers, the greenaids are designed to grow without any work. All people have to do is spend a couple of quarters and toss the ball where they would like to see flowers. I liked this article more for the creativity than the green.
Woody, Todd. “8 Technologies for a Green Future.” Cable News Network, 7 Mar. 2007. Web. 2 Sept. 2010.
This site was about 8 different technologies or ideas that could help with a green future. A few seemed really far-fetched but with others i wanted to read more. The ideas that caught my attention were the potential sources of electricity like wave power, giant solar plants in the deserts, or building with a roof made of solar panels. One of the technologies that I didn’t understand why we would use it was a hydrogen fuel cell for your home. The article said the fuel cell made hydrogen from electricity, the electricity came from solar panels on the roof. A car could only get about 100 miles according to the site. something I want to look more into is why would we use hydrogen to power a car when we can use an electric car that can travel further and removes the step of creating hydrogen.
Ford, Matt. “New Technology Cleans up Coal with CO2.” Cnn. Cable News Network, 29 Nov. 2009. Web. 2 Sept. 2010.
I remember seeing a commercial on tv,  it was advertising “clean coal”. It seemed like a lie and pissed me off, so when I saw the title of this “new technology cleans up coal with co2” it was very grabbing. After reading it I am much less doubtful. They heat the emissions of the coal with steam and the combination creates the gases hydrogen and carbon monoxide. They can be disposed of without polluting or they are used in further ways like transportation. Currently a flaw about the advancement is that the efficiency is only thirty percent. The technology is only turning 30 % of the co2 into useable gasses. Still that reduces the emissions a lot compared to no reduction.